

2024-02-21T19:50:56+01:00|Iron, Sans Serif|

general info
address: Landverhuizersplein 2-52, Wilhelmina Pier, R'dam
architect: Mecanoo architecten, Delft
realised: November 2005
design of the sign: Rick Vermeulen
material: steel (M), nylon carpet, adhesive foil (interior)
details M: 8m. high, 8m. wide, 1.60m. thick, 900 kg
commission: Mecanoo architecten, Delft
technique M: welded steel frame, paint

letter details
category: sans serif
narrow or wide: more wide
all strokes the same: yes
capital or romans: capital
cursive or upright: upright


2024-02-21T19:57:34+01:00|Iron, Pixel, Sans Serif|

general info
address: Otto Reuchlinweg 996, Rotterdam
architect: Alvaro Leite Siza
realised: 2010
commission: Frans Vreeke, Director LV ea
design of the sign, signage, identity:
Rens Muis, Pieter Vos, 75B, Rotterdam
materials: powder coated aluminium

letter details
categorie: sans serif
features: special joints, strong contrasts, pluriform
capitals or romans: capitals
cursive or upright: upright only

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