

2024-02-21T19:51:37+01:00|Mosaic, Pixel, Sans Serif|

general info
address: Rosestraat, Rotterdam
architect: Carlos José Maria (Carel) Weeber
realised: 1982
design of the signage: Carel Weeber
materials: glazed tiles
details: 230 cm height/230 cm width
commissioned by: Gemeentelijk Woningbedrijf Rotterdam
technique: letters made from white glazed tiles cast in concrete

letter details
category: pixel
narrow or wide: more wide
all strokes the same: yes, 4 tiles
capitals or romans: capitals
bold or light: bold
cursive or upright: upright
looks like: Venserpolder


2024-02-21T19:55:23+01:00|Brick, Pixel, Sans Serif, Serif|

general info
address: Weena 760, south facade, Rotterdam
design of the text wall: Martijn Sandberg
architect of the building: Architecten Cie
realised: 2015-2016
materials of the text wall: red stone brick in relief
details: (lxh) 27.30m x 3.50m
commissioned by: First Rotterdam CV, Maarsen Groep BV, MAB Development

letter details
category: pixel
technique: shifted bricks in a red masonry wall
narrow or wide: narrow
strokes: na
capitals or romans: capitals
bold or light: normal
cursive or upright: upright


2024-02-21T19:57:34+01:00|Iron, Pixel, Sans Serif|

general info
address: Otto Reuchlinweg 996, Rotterdam
architect: Alvaro Leite Siza
realised: 2010
commission: Frans Vreeke, Director LV ea
design of the sign, signage, identity:
Rens Muis, Pieter Vos, 75B, Rotterdam
materials: powder coated aluminium

letter details
categorie: sans serif
features: special joints, strong contrasts, pluriform
capitals or romans: capitals
cursive or upright: upright only

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