2023-09-26T15:43:03+02:00|Neon, Paint, Sans Serif, Serif|

general info
address: Posthumalaan 1, 3072 AG Rotterdam
architect: Peter Wilson, Bolles+Wilson, Munster
commission: City of R'dam, OBR/Luxor/Rob Wiegman
realised: 25 April 2001
design of the LUXOR typefamily: Maurice Blok, and Rob Smith + Mart Hulspas (L5, Rotterdam)
different signs: painted sign, illuminated sign, interior signage
materials: paint, glass
techniques: painting, glass light boxes of 3 x 3 m.

letter details
category: sans serif except for the i and 1
narrow or wide: extremely wide or extremely narrow
monospaced letter
special: each letter can be rotated 90 degrees
weights: thin, bold, normal
capitals or romans: capitals
cursif or upright: upright only
closed counter spaces: never round